Generative Design 2.5 Axis Milling Constraints

Generative Design has traditionaly produced organic forms that, while lightweight, are difficult and costly to manufacture. Together with a multi-disciplinary cross-org team, we developed a manufacturing constraint for generative design in Autodesk Fusion 360 to produce optimized 2.5 Axis millable designs. Not only is 2.5 Axis milling very common and fast, the designs produced break from the 'organic look' and appear much closer to conventional human design.
Asides from shape synthesis, another focus of the project was greater CAD edit-ability. Enabling Fusion 360 users to fine-tune a design after an optimized solution has been generated. A great example is the motorcycle triple clamp from MJK Performance, where they performed minor edits and styling to match their brand.
The 2.5 Axis Milling Constrant for generative design was announced during the Autodesk University manufacturing keynote and later released in Fusion 360.
Created By: Autodesk Research / Autodesk Fusion 360 / Autodesk Forge Collaboration
Selected Press: Modern Machine Shop