MotionBeam is a project from Disney Research that explores new forms of character interaction using handheld projectors. With our prototype system, users interact and control projected characters by moving and gesturing with the projection device. This creates a unified interaction style where sensor input and projector output are tied together within a single device.
Our character and racing game applications show how MotionBeam can be applied and used with mobile games. It can also be utilized for augmented reality interaction, by linking projected content to physical objects in the environment. We envision MotionBeam as a key component in a new 'game projector' platform where the real world becomes a playground and users interact directly with each other and the environment.
Created by: Karl D.D. Willis, Ivan Poupyrev & Takaaki Shiratori
Research Paper: MotionBeam: A Metaphor for Character Interaction with Handheld Projectors
Special Thanks: Keiko Nakao and Cheng Xu
Selected Press: New Scientist, PC World, Creative Applications, Crunch Gear