Conference Papers
Xu, X., Jayaraman, P.K., Lambourne, J.G., Willis, K.D.D. and Furukawa, Y., 2023. Hierarchical Neural Coding for Controllable CAD Model Generation. In ICML '23, PMLR (2023), 38443–38461. arXiv
Sanghi, A., Fu, R., Liu, V., Willis, K.D.D., Shayani, H., Khasahmadi, A.H., Sridhar, S. and Ritchie, D., CLIP-Sculptor: Zero-Shot Generation of High-Fidelity and Diverse Shapes From Natural Language. In CVPR '23, IEEE/CVF (2023),18339-18348. arXiv
Chu, H., Khasahmadi, A.H., Willis, K.D.D., Anderson, F., Mao, Y., Tran, L., Matejka, J. and Vermeulen, J., SimCURL: Simple Contrastive User Representation Learning from Command Sequences. In ICMLA '22, IEEE (2022), 1143-1150. arXiv
Lambourne, J.G., Willis, K.D.D., Jayaraman, P.K., Zhang, L., Sanghi, A. and Malekshan, K.R., Reconstructing Editable Prismatic CAD from Rounded Voxel Models. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Conference Papers (2022). arXiv
Xu, X., Willis, K.D.D., Lambourne, J.G., Cheng, C.Y., Jayaraman, P.K. and Furukawa, Y., 2022. SkexGen: Autoregressive Generation of CAD Construction Sequences with Disentangled Codebooks. In ICML '22, PMLR (2022), 162:24698-24724. arXiv
Willis, K.D.D., Jayaraman, P.K., Chu, H., Tian, Y., Li, Y., Grandi, D., Sanghi, A., Tran, L., Lambourne, J.G., Solar-Lezama, A. and Matusik, W., 2021. JoinABLe: Learning Bottom-up Assembly of Parametric CAD Joints. In CVPR '22, IEEE/CVF (2022), 15849-15860. arXiv
Lambourne, J.G., Willis, K.D.D., Jayaraman, P.K., Sanghi, A., Meltzer, P. and Shayani, H., BRepNet: A topological message passing system for solid models. In CVPR '21, IEEE/CVF (2021), 12773-12782. arXiv
Jayaraman, P.K., Sanghi, A., Lambourne, J.G., Willis, K.D.D., Davies, T., Shayani, H. and Morris, N., UV-Net: Learning From Boundary Representations. In CVPR '21, IEEE/CVF (2021), 11703-11712. arXiv
Xu, X., Peng, W., Cheng, C.Y., Willis, K.D.D. and Ritchie, D., Inferring CAD modeling sequences using zone graphs. In CVPR '21, IEEE/CVF (2021), 6062-6070. arXiv
Ou, J., Dublon, G., Cheng, C.Y., Heibeck, F., Willis, K.D.D., and Ishii, H., Cilllia: 3D Printed Micro-Pillar Structures for Surface Texture, Actuation and Sensing. In CHI ’16, ACM (2016), 5753-5764. PDF
Xiao, R., Harrison, C., Willis, K. D. D., Hudson, S. E., and Poupyrev, I., Lumitrack: Low Cost, High Precision and High Speed Tracking with Projected m-Sequences. In UIST ’13, ACM (2013), 3-12. PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Shiratori, T., and Mahler, M., HideOut: Mobile Projector Interaction with Tangible Objects and Surfaces. In TEI ’13, ACM (2013), 331-338. PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Brockmeyer, E., Hudson, S.E., and Poupyrev, I., Printed Optics: 3D Printing of Embedded Optical Elements for Interactive Devices. In Proc. UIST '12, ACM (2012), 589–598. (Best Paper Award Nominee, Best Demo Award) PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Poupyrev, I., Hudson, S.E. and Mahler, M., SideBySide: Ad-hoc Multi-user Interaction with Handheld Projectors. In Proc. UIST '11, ACM (2011), 431-440. (Best Paper Award, Best Demo Award) PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Poupyrev, I. and Shiratori, T., MotionBeam: A Metaphor for Character Interaction with Handheld Projectors. In Proc. CHI ‘11, ACM (2011), 1031-1040. PDF
Harrison, C., Hsieh, G., Willis, K.D.D., Forlizzi, J. and Hudson, S.E., Kineticons: Using Iconographic Motion in Graphical User Interface Design. In Proc. CHI ‘11, ACM (2011), 1999-2008. (Honorable Mention Award) PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Xu, C., Wu, K.J., Levin, G. and Gross, M.D., Interactive Fabrication: New Interfaces for Digital Fabrication. In Proc. TEI ‘11, ACM (2011), 69-72. PDF
Willis, K.D.D. and Poupyrev, I., 12Pixels: Exploring Social Drawing on Mobile Phones In Proc. Pervasive ‘10, Springer LNCS (2010), 391-408. (Best Presentation Award) PDF
Willis, K.D.D. and Poupyrev, I., MotionBeam: Designing for Movement with Handheld Projectors. Ext. Abstracts CHI ‘10, ACM (2010), 3253-3258. PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Lin, J., Mitani, J. and Igarashi, T., Spatial Sketch: Bridging Between Movement & Fabrication. In Proc. TEI ‘10, ACM (2010), 5-12. PDF
Willis, K.D.D. and Hina, J., Alchemy: Experiments in Interactive Drawing, Creativity, & Serendipity. In Proc. Creativity & Cognition ‘09, ACM (2009), 441-442. PDF
Poupyrev, I. and Willis, K., TwelvePixels: Drawing & Creativity on a Mobile Phone. In Proc. Ext. Abstracts CHI ‘08, ACM (2008), 2361-2366. PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Open Interactions: The Balance of Specification. In Proc. PerthDAC 2007 (2007). PDF
Willis, K.D.D., User Authorship and Creativity within Interactivity. In Proc. ACM Multimedia, ACM (2006), 731-735. PDF
Journal Papers
Ritchie, D., Guerrero, P., Jones, R.K., Mitra, N.J., Schulz, A., Willis, K.D.D. and Wu, J., Neurosymbolic Models for Computer Graphics. In Computer Graphics Forum, 42, 2, 545-568. arXiv
Tian, Y., Xu, J., Li, Y., Luo, J., Sueda, S., Li, H., Willis, K.D.D. and Matusik, W., Assemble them all: Physics-based planning for generalizable assembly by disassembly. ACM Trans. Graph., ACM (2022), 40, 6. arXiv
Jayaraman, P.K., Lambourne, J.G., Desai, N., Willis, K., Sanghi, A. and Morris, N.J., SolidGen: An Autoregressive Model for Direct B-rep Synthesis. Transactions on Machine Learning Research (2022). arXiv
Willis, K.D.D., Pu, Y., Luo, J., Chu, H., Du, T., Lambourne, J.G., Solar-Lezama, A. and Matusik, W., Fusion 360 Gallery: A Dataset and Environment for Programmatic CAD Construction from Human Design Sequences. ACM Trans. Graph., ACM (2021), 40, 4. arXiv
Willis, K.D.D., and Wilson, A.D., InfraStructs: Fabricating Information Inside Physical Objects for Imaging in the Terahertz Region. ACM Trans. Graph., ACM (2013), 32, 4, 138:1--138:10. PDF
Willis, K.D.D., A Pre-History of Handheld Projector based Interaction. Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Theme issue on Personal Projection, Springer (2011), 16, 1, 5-15. PDF
Book Chapters
Willis, K.D.D. Open Interactions. in Brennan, S. and Ballard, S. eds. Aotearoa Digital Arts Reader, Clouds, Auckland, 2008, 38-47.
Workshop & Symposium Papers
Willis, K.D.D., Jayaraman, P.K., Lambourne, J.G., Chu, H. and Pu, Y., 2021. Engineering sketch generation for computer-aided design. In CVPRW '21, IEEE/CVF (2021), 2105-2114. arXiv
Willis, K.D.D., Character Interaction with Handheld Projectors. In Proc. TEI ‘11, ACM (2011), 445-446. PDF
Willis, K.D.D. and Poupyrev, I., Animation & Sequential Art Principles for Handheld Projector Interaction. Ubiprojection Workshop, Pervasive ‘10, (2010), 43-46. PDF
Willis, K.D.D. Systems for Artistic Creation: Creativity and Engagement. In Proc. Creativity & Cognition '07, ACM (2007), 302. PDF
Willis, K.D.D., Creative Interactive Experiences as Production. In Proc. CCID 2006: The First International Symposium on Culture, Creativity and Interaction Design (2006). PDF